Prosetin: The Core’s First In-House Drug Candidate
What’s Prosetin?
If you’ve been following Project ALS, you have probably heard us mention PHB, our working name for The Core’s first drug candidate-in-development. Now, we are proud to announce the final version of PHB—the real thing—a fully optimized, com
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What is “ALS In a Dish?”
When a 2008 collaboration between the Project ALS/Jenifer Estess Laboratory for Stem Cell Research, the Henderson and Wichterle labs at Columbia, and the Eggan lab at Harvard, yielded the first patient-derived cellular models of ALS—ALS in a Dish, as we affectionally called it—many researchers believed that better ALS treatments were r
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Columbia University and Project ALS Announce The Core
Columbia University and Project ALS announced the Project ALS Therapeutics Core at
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